Scientific Biography
Grants, awards and visits
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Publications          Reports

Selected Publications
108. Ryabko B. Building Test Batteries Based on Analyzing Random Number Generator Tests within the Framework of Algorithmic Information Theory.
  Entropy. - 2024. - Vol.26. - Iss. 6. - Art.513.

106. Ryabko B.
  Linear hash functions and their applications to error detection and correction
  Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications. - 2024. - Vol.16. - Iss. 6. - Art.2350070.

105. Ryabko B.
  Unconditionally secure short key ciphers based on data compression and randomization.
  Des. Codes Cryptogr. (2023).

104. Ryabko B. Asymptotically most powerful tests for random number generators.
  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 217 (2022), pp. 1 -- 7.

103. Ryabko B.
  A Pseudo-Random Generator Whose Output is a Normal Sequence
  International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. - 2021.

102. Ryabko B., Savina N.
  Using Data Compression to Build a Method for Statistically Verified Attribution of Literary Texts.
  Entropy. - 2021. - Vol.23. - Iss. 10. - Art.1302.

101. Ryabko B. Statistical Testing of Randomness.
  2020 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications
 (Kapolei, HI, USA, 24.10-27.10.2020): Proceedings. - 2020: IEEE. - P.578-581.

100. Ryabko B., Zhuravlev V. The time-adaptive statistical testing for random number generators.
  2020 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (Kapolei, HI, USA, 24.10-27.10.2020): Proceedings. - 2020: IEEE. - P.344-347.

99. Ryabko B., Fionov A. Cryptography in the Information Society.
  - World Scientific Publishing. - 2020. - 280 p.

98. Chirikhin, K.; Ryabko, B. Compression-Based Methods of Time Series Forecasting.
 Mathematics 2021, 9, 284.

97. Ryabko, B. Time-Adaptive Statistical Test for Random Number Generators.
  Entropy. - 2020. - Vol.22. - Iss. 6. - Art.630.

96. Ryabko, B., Rakitskiy A. Application of the Computer Capacity to the Analysis of Processors Evolution.
  Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 2020. - Vol.29. - Iss. 8. - Art.2050127.

95. Ryabko, B. Time-universal data compression and prediction.
  2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Paris, France, 2019, pp. 562-566.

94. Ryabko, B. Low-Entropy Stochastic Processes for Generating k-Distributed and Normal Sequences,
  and the Relationship of These Processes with Random Number Generators.
  Mathematics 2019, 7(9), 838

93. Ryabko, B., Fionov, A. Linear Hash Functions as a Means of Distortion - Rate Optimization in Data Embedding.
  Proceedings of IHandMMSec 19, July 3 - 5, 2019, Paris, France.

92. Ryabko, B. Time-Universal Data Compression.
  Algorithms 2019, 12, 116.

91. Ryabko, B. Properties of two Shannon ' s ciphers.
  Designs, Codes and Cryptography. V. 86, 2018, N. 5, pp. 989-995.

90. Ryabko, B. Information-Theoretic Approach to Estimating the Capacity of Distributed Memory Systems
  Problems of Information Transmission, 2018, Vol. 54, No. 2, pp. 191?198.

89. Ryabko, B., Rakitskiy A. Theoretical Approach to Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers.
  Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Vol. 27, No. 4 (2018) 1850062.

88. Ryabko B.Y., Guskov A.E., Selivanova I.V. Information-Theoretic Method for Classification of Texts
  Problems of Information Transmission. - 2017. - Vol.53. - Iss. 3. - P.294-304.

87. Reznikova Z., Levenets J., Panteleeva S., Ryabko B.
  Studying hunting behaviour in the striped field mouse using data compression.
  Acta Ethologica. - 2017. - Vol.20. - Iss. 2. - P.165-173.

86.Selivanova I.V., Ryabko B.Ya., Guskov A.E. An Classification by Compression: Application of Information-Theory Methods for the Identification of Themes of Scientific Texts.
  Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics. - 2017. - Vol.51. - Iss. 3. - P.120-126.

85. Ryabko, B., Rakitskiy A. An Analytic Method for Estimating the Computation Capacity of Computing Devices.
  Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Vol. 26, No. 5 (2017), p.1750086.

84. Boris Ryabko, Jaakko Astola, Mikhail Malyutov.
  Compression-Based Methods of Statistical Analysis and Prediction of Time Series.
  Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016.

83. Lysyak A., Ryabko, B. Time Series Prediction Based on Data Compression Methods.
  Problems of Information Transmission, 2016, 52(1), pp. 92-99.
  The version in Russian

82. Ryabko, B. The Vernam Cipher Is Robust to Small Deviations from Randomness.
  Problems of Information Transmission, 2015, 51(1), pp. 82-86.
  The version in Russian

81. Ryabko, B. Complexity of Approximating Functions on Real-Life Computer.
  International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science Vol. 26, No. 1 (2015), pp. 153 - 157.

80. Ryabko, B., Ryabko D. A confidence-set approach to signal denoising.
  Statistical Methodology, v. 15 (2013), pp. 115 -120.

79. Ryabko, B., Reznikova, Z., Druzyaka, A., Panteleeva, S. , Using Ideas of Kolmogorov Complexity for Studying Biological Texts.
  Theory of Computing Systems, Volume 52, Issue 1 (2013), Page 133-147.

78. Boris Ryabko , An information-theoretic approach to estimate the capacity of processing units.
  Performance Evaluation, 69 (2012) pp. 267-273

77. Zhanna Reznikova and Boris Ryabko, Ants and Bits .
  IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter, 62(5), 2012, pp. 17 - 20.

76. Boris Ryabko , On the efficiency and capacity of computers.
  Applied Mathematics Letters, v. 25 (2012), pp. 398 - 400

75. Boris Ryabko and Daniil Ryabko, Constructing perfect steganographic systems.
  Information and Computation, v. 209 (2011), pp. 1223 - 1230

74. Zhanna Reznikova and Boris Ryabko, Numerical competence in animals, with an insight from ants.
  Behaviour, Volume 148, Number 4, pp. 405-434, 2011,

73. Ryabko B.Y., Astola J., Malyutov M. Compression-Based Methods of Prediction and Statistical Analysis of Time Series: Theory and Applications.
  TICSP #56. Tampere: Tampere International Center for Signal Processing. 2010. 110 p.

72. Yu. Medvedeva, B. Ryabko Fast Enumeration Algorithm for Words with Given Constraints on Run Lengths of Ones.
  Problems of Information Transmission, 2010, 46, No. 4, pp. 369 - 378.

71. B. Ryabko. Using Information Theory to Study Efficiency and Capacity of Computers and Similar Devices.
  Information 2010, 1, 3-12.

70. B. Ryabko. Applications of Universal Source Coding to Statistical Analysis of Time Series.
  In: Isaac Woungang, Sudip Misra, Subhas Chandra Misra (Eds.), "Selected Topics in Information and Coding Theory",
  Edited Book, Series on Coding and Cryptology, World Scientific Publishing, 2010.

69. D. Ryabko, B. Ryabko. Nonparametric Statistical Inference for Ergodic Processes,
  IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56(3):1430-1435, 2010.

68. B. Ryabko. Compression-Based Methods for Nonparametric Prediction and Estimation of Some Characteristics of Time Series.
  IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, VOL. 55, NO. 9, 2009, pp. 4309-4315.

67. Boris Ryabko and Zhanna Reznikova. The Use of Ideas of Information Theory for Studying "Language" and Intelligence in Ants.
  Entropy 2009, 11(4), 836-853;

66. B. Ryabko, D.Ryabko. Asymptotically Optimal Perfect Steganographic Systems.
  Problems of Information Transmission, 2009, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 184-190. (in Russian: pp. 119-126.)
  download text in Russian.

65. N. Usotskaya, B. Ryabko, Applications of information-theoretic tests for analysis of DNA sequences based on Markov chain models.
  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. V.53, Issue 5 (March 2009) pp. 1861-1872, 2009

64. Boris Ryabko. Applications of Kolmogorov Complexity and Universal Codes to Nonparametric Estimation of Characteristics of Time Series.
  Fundamenta Informaticae 83, Number 1-2, 2008, pp. 177-196.

63. Boris Ryabko, Jaakko Astola and Alex Gammerman. Adaptive Coding and Prediction of Sources With Large and Infinite Alphabets.

62. B. Ryabko, Compression-based methods for nonparametric on-line prediction, regression, classification and density estimation of time series.
  Festschrift in Honor of Jorma Rissanen on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday, Tampere, 2008, pp. 271 - 288.

61. B. Ryabko, D. Ryabko. Information--Theoretic Approach to Steganographic Systems.
  IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Proceedings. 2007, Nice, France, pp. 2461-2464.

60. Boris Ryabko, Jaakko Astola and Alex Gammerman.
  Application of Kolmogorov complexity and universal codes to identity testing and nonparametric testing of serial independence for time series.
  Theoretical Computer Science, v.359, pp.440-448, 2006.

59. Boris Ryabko and Jaakko Astola. Universal Codes as a Basis for Time Series Testing
  Statistical Methodology, v.3, pp.375-397 ,2006,

58. B.Ryabko, V.Monarev, Yu.Shokin. A New Type of Attacks on Block Ciphers.
  Problems of Information Transmission, 2005, v.41, n.4, pp. 385-394.
  (in Russian: pp. 118-128.) download text in Russian.

57. B.Ryabko, A. Fionov. Basics of Contemporary Cryptography for IT Practitioners. World Scientific Publishing Co., 2005.
  available here

56. B.Ryabko, V.Monarev. Experimental Investigation of Forecasting Methods Based on Data Compression Algorithms.
  Problems of Information Transmission, 2005, v.41, n.1, pp. 65-69.
  (in Russian: pp. 74-78.) download text in Russian.

55. Boris Ryabko and Jaakko Astola. Universal codes as a basis for nonparametric testing of serial independence for time series
  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,2006, Volume 136, Issue 12, pp. 4119-4128

54. B. Ryabko, V. Monarev. Using information theory approach to randomness testing.
  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,2005, v. 133, n.1, pp. 95-110.

53. Boris Ryabko and Jaakko Astola. Application of data compression methods to hypothesis testing for ergodic and stationary processes.
  Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science.
  (2005 International Conference on Analysis of Algorithms Conference Volume AD (2005)), pp. 399-408.

52. B. Ya. Ryabko, V. S. Stognienko, Yu. I. Shokin.
  A new test for randomness and its application to some cryptographic problems.
  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2004, v. 123, n. 2 pp. 365-376.

51. B.Ryabko, A.Pestunov. "Book Stack" as a New Statistical Test for Random Numbers.
Problems of Information Transmission, 2004, v.40, n.1, pp. 66-71. (in Russian: pp. 73-78.)

50. J. Suzuki, B.Ryabko. Coding Combinatorial Sources With Costs.
  IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, v.50, 2004, no. 5, 925-928.

49. B.Ryabko, A. Fionov. The basis of the modern cryptography for IT practitioners. 2004, "Scientific Word", Moscow. (in Russian). 173 p.

48.Boris Ryabko, Jaakko Astola.
Universal Coding of Function Spaces as a Model for Signal Compression.
  Proceedings of Data Compression Conference (DCC '04), 2004, Snowbird, Utah. pp. 382-387.

47. Zh. Reznikova, B. Ryabko. In the Shadow of the Binary Tree: Ants and Bits.
2-nd Internat. Workshop on the Mathematics and Algorithms of Social Insects. Atlanta, USA, 2003, pp 139- 144.
(see also )

46. Boris Ryabko, Jaakko Astola, Karen Egiazarian. Fast Codes for Large Alphabets.
  Communications in Information and Systems, v.3, n. 2, pp.139-152.

45. Boris Ryabko, Jorma Rissanen. Fast Adaptive Arithmetic Code for Large Alphabet Sources with Asymmetrical Distributions.
  IEEE Communications Letters,v. 7, no. 1, 2003,pp.33- 35.

44. Boris Ya. Ryabko, Flemming Topsoe. On Asymptotically Optimal Methods of Prediction and Adaptive Coding for Markov Sources.
  Journal of Complexity, Vol. 18, No. 1, Mar 2002, pp. 224-241 (doi: 10.1006/jcom.2001.0611).

43.Fedotov, A. Ryabko, B. The estimated cost of a search tree on binary words.
  IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 47 (2001), no. 1, 326--329. download text

42.B. Ryabko. The nonprobabilistic approach to learning the best prediction.
 in: Linkoping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science, ISSN 1401-9841 Issue: Vol. 6(2001): nr 016

41.Zh. Reznikova and B. Ryabko. How to study ants. Numerical competence using their own communicative means and applying ideas of information theory.
  Linkoping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science, ISSN 1401-9841 Issue: Vol. 6(2001): nr 015
  URL: download text.

40. Hojo K. , Ryabko B., Suzuki J. Performance of Data Compression in Terms of Hausdorff Dimension.
  TIEICE: IEICE Transactions on Communications/Electronics/ Information and Systems, 2001, pp.1761--1764. download text in PS format

39. Ryabko, B.Y.; Matchikina, E.Fast and efficient construction of an unbiased random sequence.
  IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, V.46,n.3,2000 p.1090 -1093. download text.

38. Ryabko, B. Ya. A simply realizable ideal cryptographic system.
  Problems of Information Transmission, 36 (2000), no. 1,pp. 90--95.
  (see also
 Boris Ryabko.The simple ideal cipher system.
  In: cryptology ePrint archive, report 2001/046. download text in PS format

37. Reznikova Zh.I., Ryabko B.Ya. 2000. Using Information Theory Approach
  to study the communication system and numerical competence in ants.
  In : From Animals to Animats 6. Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour.
  The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London. pp. 501 - 506.

36. Ryabko, B. Ya.; Sharova, M. P. Fast coding of low-entropy sources.
  IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, V. 45,# 7 , Nov. 1999, pp. 2612 -2615. download text.

35. B.Ryabko, J. Suzuki, F. Topsoe, Hausdorff Dimension as a New Dimension in Source Coding and Predicting
  //1999 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, South Africa, 1999,pp.66-68. download text.

34.Reznikova Zh.I., Ryabko B.Ya. 1999. Experimental study of ant capability
  for addition and subtraction of small numbers.
  Journal of High Nervous Activity, 49, 1, pp. 12-21.

33. Ryabko, B. Fionov,A. Efficient homophonic coding.
  IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 45 (1999), no. 6, 2083--2091. download text.

32. Ryabko, B. Ya.; Fionov, A. N. An efficient method for adaptive arithmetic coding of sources with large alphabets.
  Prpblems of Information Transmission,v. 35 (1999), no. 4, 95--108. download text in PS format (in Russian)

31. Ryabko,B.Fionov,A. Fast and Space-Efficient Adaptive Arithmetic Coding.
  in :Cryptography and Coding, 7th IMA International Conference,
  Cirencester, UK, December 1999. Proceedings, LNCS 1746, p. 270 -279. download text in PS format

30.Ryabko B.Ya. The fast enumeration of combinatorial objects.
 //Discrete Math.and Applications, v.10, n2, 1998.
  (see also ).

29.Ryabko B.,Fionov A. Homophonic coding with logarithmic memory size.//
 Algorithms and Computation.Lecture Notes in Computer Science,v.1350,

28. Reznikova Zh.I., Ryabko B.Ya. 1997. Numerical Competence in Ants. Science in Russia , 4 , pp. 31 - 34.

27. Ryabko B. Ya., Reznikova Zh.I. 1997. Ants aptitude to add and subtract small numbers.
  In : Russian Science, Moscow, "Nauka", pp. 351 - 357. In Russian.
  ( a book of winners of competition for a premium for best publication from ISF ).

26.Ryabko B., Fionov A. The fast method of randomization.// Problems of
 information transmission,1997, v.33, #3.

25.Ryabko B.,Reznikova Zh. Using Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity
 To Study the Communicative System and Cognitive Capacities in Ants.//
 Complexity, v.2,n.2,pp.37-42, 1996.

24.Reznikova Zh.I., Ryabko B.Ya. 1995. Using of ideas and metods of
  Information Theory to study the flexibility of ant's language and their aptitude to add and substrate small numbers.
  Problems of Information Transmission, 31, 4, pp. 25 - 30.

23.Ryabko B. Ya., Fionov A. N. A Fast and Efficient Homophonic
 Coding Algorithm.//Algorithm and Computation,Lecture notes in computer
 science,v.1178,Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.,1996.pp. 427-435.

22.Ryabko B.Ya. "Imaginary sliding window" as a tool for data compession.
  Problems of information transmission,1996,v.32,#2.

21.Ryabko B.Ya. The effective method of source coding which uses the fast
  multiplication.// Problems of information transmission,1995,v.31,#1.

20.Kurapova E., Ryabko B.Ya. Using formal grammars for source coding.
  //Problems of information transmission,1995,v.31,#1.,pp.28-32.

19. Ryabko, Boris Ya. The complexity and effectiveness of prediction algorithms.
  J. Complexity 10 (1994), no. 3, 281--295.

18. Ryabko B.Ya. Fast and effective source coding.
  IEEE Trans.on Inform.Theory,v.30,n 1,pp.96-99,1994.

17. Reznikova,Zh., Ryabko,B. 1994. Experimental study of the ants communication
  system with the application of the Information Theory approach.
  Memorabilia Zoologica,v.48, 219-236.

16. Reznikova, Zh.I., Ryabko,B.Ya.1994. An experimental study of ants' language
  and cognitive aptitude based on ideas of the Information Theory.
  Siberian Journal of Ecology, 4, pp. 347-359.

15. Ryabko, B. Ya. An algorithmic approach to the prediction problem.
  Problems Inform. Transmission, v. 29, n.2, (1993), 186-193,
  in Russian: pp.96-103.

14. B.Ya Ryabko; A fast on-line adaptive code.
  IEEE Trans.on Inform.Theory,v.28,n 1, Jul 1992 pp. 1400 - 1404.

13. Ryabko, B. Ya. A fast adaptive coding algorithm. (Russian) Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 26 (1990), no. 4,24--37;
  translation in Problems Inform. Transmission 26 (1990), no. 4, 305--317 (1991)

12. Ryabko, B. Ya. A fast on-line code. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 306 (1989) , no. 3,548--552;
  translation in Soviet Math. Dokl. 39 (1989), no. 3, 533--537

11. Ryabko, B. Ya. Prediction of random sequences and universal coding.
  Problems Inform. Transmission 24 (1988), no. 2, 87--96.    Russian: Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 24 (1988), no. 2,3--14;

10. Reznikova, Zh. I.; Ryabko, B. Ya. An experimental proof of the use of numerals in the language of ants.
  (Russian) Problemy Peredachi Informatsii 24 (1988), no. 4,97--101;
  translation in Problems Inform. Transmission 24 (1988), no. 4, 334--338 (1989)

9. Ryabko, B. Ya. Noiseless coding of combinatorial sources, Hausdorff dimension, and Kolmogorov complexity. (English)
  Probl. Inf. Transm. 22, 170-179 (1986); translation from Probl. Peredachi Inf. 22, No.3, 16-26 (1986).

8. Ryabko, B. Ya.; Comments to:
  "A locally adaptive data compression scheme" by J. L. Bentley, D. D. Sleator, R. E. Tarjan and V. K. Wei.
  Comm. ACM 30 (1987), no. 9, 792--794.

7. Krichevsky, R. E.; Ryabko, B. Ya.
  Universal retrieval trees.
  Discrete Appl. Math. 12 (1985), no. 3, 293--302.

6. Ryabko B.Ya. Twice-universal coding. Problems of Information Transmission. 1984 , n3, pp.173-177.

5. Krichevski R. E.; Ryabko, B. Ya.; Haritonov, A. Yu.
  Optimal key for taxons ordered in accordance with their frequencies.
  Discrete Appl. Math. 3 (1981), no. 1, 67--72.

4. Ryabko, Boris Ya. Comments on: "A source matching approach to finding minimax codes",
  IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 27 (1981), no. 6, 780--781.

3.Ryabko, B. Ya. Data compression by means of a "book stack". Problems Inform. Transmission 16 (1980), no. 4, 265--269 (1981)

2.Rjabko, B. Ja. A universal encoding of compacta. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 252 (1980), no. 6, 1325--1328.

1.Ryabko, B. Ya. Coding of a source with unknown but ordered probabilities.
  Problems Inform. Transmission 15 (1979), no. 2, 134--138;

Selected Reports


Daniil Ryabko, Boris Ryabko. Predicting the outcomes of every process
for which an asymptotically accurate stationary predictor exists is impossible.

  In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'15), pp. 1204 -- 1206.

Boris Ryabko and Nadezhda Savina. The One-Time Pad is Robust to Small Deviations from Randomness.
  In: Proceedings of the EIGHTH WORKSHOP ON INFORMATION THEORETIC METHODS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, June 24 -- 26, 2015, in Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 39-41.

Ryabko B.Y., Savina N.N. Optimization of the Internet search based on laws of information theory and psychology.
  In: Proceedings of the International Conference "Computational and Informational Technologies in Science, Engineering and Education"
  (CITech-2015) Almaty, Kazakhstan, 24-27 september 2015.

Guskov A.E., Ryabko B.Y., Zubkov A.V. Classification of scientific documents based on the compression methods.
  In: Proceedings of the International Conference "Computational and Informational Technologies in Science, Engineering and Education"
  (CITech-2015) Almaty, Kazakhstan, 24-27 september 2015,




Pristavka, Pavel; Ryabko, Boris Experimental investigation of the efficiency of universal measures based forecasting methods.
Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems (RED),
2012 XIII International Symposium on , Page(s): 62 - 64.

Rakitskiy, Anton; Ryabko, Boris; Fionov, Andrey . Evaluation of computer capacity for P5 intel processors.
Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems (RED),
2012 XIII International Symposium on , Page(s): 70 - 73

Ryabko, Boris; Fionov, Andrey. Estimating the performance of computer systems through computer capacity.
Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems (RED),
2012 XIII International Symposium on , Page(s): 74 - 77


B. Ryabko, D. Ryabko, Confidence Sets in Time - Series Filtering.
In: Proceedings of 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'11), July, 31 - August, 5, 2011, in Saint-Petersburg, Russia download text in PDF format.


B. Ryabko, Using information theory to study the efficiency and capacity of computers and similar devices.
Proc. of the 2010 Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering (Tampere, Finland, 16-18 August 2010). – Tampere. – 2010.


B. Ryabko, D. Ryabko, Using Kolmogorov Complexity for Understanding Some Limitations on Steganography.
In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'09), pp. 2733-2736, Seoul, South Korea, 2009. download text in PDF format.

Y. Medvedeva, B. Ryabko, Fast Enumeration of Run-Length-Limited Words.
In: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'09), pp. 640 - 643, Seoul, South Korea, 2009.

B.Ryabko. Using Universal Source Coding for Statistical Analysis of Time Series.
In: Proceedings, 6th St. Petersburg Workshop on Simulation (2009) 617-621.

B.Ryabko, J.Astola. Compression-based methods for nonparametric prediction and estimation of some characteristics of time series.
In: Proceedings, Eropeen Meting of Statistitien, Toulouse, 2009.

B.Ryabko, J.Astola. Compression-based methods for nonparametric density estimation and on-line prediction for time series.
In: Proceedings, 33rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications in Berlin, 27th - 31st July, 2009. (SPA 2009).

B.Ryabko. Imaginary Sliding Window as a data structure for streaming data.

I. Nechta, B. Ryabko, A. Fionov. Stealthy Steganographic Methods for Executable Files.

B.Ryabko, A.Fionov, K. Eltysheva, I. Nechta, Y.Soldatova, M. Zhilkin. Information-Theoretic Approaches to Steganography: Latest Achievements.

A.Gruzin, B.Ryabko. Practical Application of Universal Codes to Time Series Forecasting.


B.Ryabko, Z. Reznikova. The use of ideas and methods of information theory to study communication and numerical competence in ants.
In: Proceedings, 2008 Workshop on Information Theoretic Methods in Science and Engineering August 18 - 20, 2008
Tampere, Finland download text.

B.Ryabko. Compression-based Methods for Nonparametric Density Estimation, On-Line Prediction, Regression and Classification for Time Series
In: Proceedings, 2008 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, May 5-9, 2008 - Porto, Portugal. download text.

D.Ryabko, B.Ryabko. On Hypotheses Testing for Ergodic Processes
In: Proceedings, 2008 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, May 5-9, 2008 - Porto, Portugal. download text.

B.Ryabko, N. Usotskaya. DNA-Sequence Analysis Using Markov Chain Models.
In: Proceedings, 2008 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, May 5-9, 2008 - Porto, Portugal. download text.


B.Ryabko. Compression-based methods for density estimation for time series.
XI International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, Saint-Petersburg, 2007, Proceedings, pp.22-26. download text.

M. Zhilkin, N. Melentsova, B. Ryabko. Data Compression Based Method Of Revealing Hidden Information In Steganographic Systems.
XI International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, Saint-Petersburg, 2007, Proceedings, pp. 42-44.

N. Usotskaya, B. Ryabko. Experimental research of the genome structure using theoretic-informational statistical tests.
XI International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, Saint-Petersburg, 2007, Proceedings, pp.37-41.

A.Fionov, B.Ryabko. Simple ideal steganografic systems for containers with known statistics.
XI International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, Saint-Petersburg, 2007, Proceedings, pp. 184-188.


Ryabko, Boris. Universal codes as a basis for time series testing.
In: Conference Proceedings, Prague Stochastics 2006 pp.236- 246.

B.Ryabko. Universal Codes as a Basis for Time Series Testing.
Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 06201, (15.05.-20.05.06)
Combinatorial and Algorithmic Foundations of Pattern and Association Discovery.

B.Ryabko, J.Astola, A.Gammerman
Application of Kolmogorov complexity and universal codes to identity testing and nonparametric testing of serial independence for time series.
Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 06051. Kolmogorov Complexity and Applications.


B.Ryabko, J.Astola.
Universal Codes as a Basis for Nonparametric Testing of Serial Independence for Time Series
International Symposium on Information Theory, Proceedings. IEEE , 2005, Adelaide, Australia.

B.Ryabko, J.Astola.
Application of source coding to hypothesis testing for ergodic and stationary processes. Proceedings, European Meeting of Statisticians, Oslo 24-28, July 2005.


Boris Ryabko, Viktor Monarev, and Yuriy Shokin.
Using Universal Coding Approach to Randomness Testing.
International Symposium on Information Theory, Proceedings. IEEE , 2004, Chicago,

Boris Ryabko and Jaakko Astola.
Prediction and Adaptive Coding of Sources with Large or Infinite Alphabet.
International Symposium on Information Theory, Proceedings. IEEE , 2004, Chicago

Boris Ryabko, Jaakko Astola.
Adaptive Coding and Prediction of Sources with Large and Infinite Alphabets.
Proceedings of Data Compression Conference (DCC '04) 2004, Snowbird, Utah. p 560. download text.

Boris Ryabko, Jaakko Astola.
Fast Codes for Large Alphabet Sources and Its Application to Block Encoding.
Proceedings of Data Compression Conference (DCC '04) 2004, Snowbird, Utah. p 561. download text.


Zh. Reznikova, B. Ryabko 2003. Sophisticated Communication in Group- Retrieving Ants: a New Tool to Find News.
Revusta de Etologia Suplemento, Contribution to the XXVIII Internat. Ethological Conference, Brazil, p. 69-69.

B.Ya. Ryabko, V.S. Stognienko, and Yu.I. Shokin A new statistical testing for random numbers and its application to some cryptographic problems.
International Symposium on Information Theory,Proceedings.IEEE , 2003, Yokohama, Japan, p.338.
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Boris Ryabko, Jaakko Astola. Fast Codes for Large Alphabet Sources and Its Application to Block Encoding.
International Symposium on Information Theory,Proceedings.IEEE , 2003, Yokohama, Japan, p.112.
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Joe Suzuki, Boris Ryabko, . Coding Combinatorial Sources with Cost.
International Symposium on Information Theory,Proceedings.IEEE , 2003, Yokohama, Japan, p.113.

B. Ryabko . Universal Prediction, Universal Source Coding and Kolmogorov Complexity.
Centennial Seminar on Kolmogorov Complexity and Applications. SCHLOSS DAGSTUHL 27.04.-02.05.2003, Germany. (Proceedings).
See also

Ryabko, B.; Mrchokov, G.; Egiazarian, K.; Astola, J.;
The fast algorithm for the block codes and its application to image compression.
2003 International Conference on Image Processing, 2003. Proceedings., Volume: 2 , Sept. 14-17, 2003 Page(s): 205 -207.


Boris Ryabko, Jorma Rissanen . Fast Adaptive Arithmetic Code for Large Alphabet Sources with Asymmetrical Distributions .
International Symposium on Information Theory,Proceedings.IEEE , 2002, Lausanne, Switzelend, p.319.
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Boris Ryabko, Elena Matchikina . Efficient Methods for Generating Approximately Equiprobable Random Bits .
International Symposium on Information Theory,Proceedings.IEEE , 2002, Lausanne, Switzelend, p. 407
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Boris Ryabko, Andrey Fionov . Adaptive Arithmetic Coding for Changing Statistics: Randomization vs Space .
International Symposium on Information Theory,Proceedings.IEEE , 2002, Lausanne, Switzelend, p. 321.


Ryabko, B., Suzuki J. Comparing the Multilevel Pattern Matching Code and the Lempel-Ziv Codes. International Symposium on Information Theory,Proceedings.IEEE , 2001. Washington.
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Ryabko, B.Topsoe, F.Universal Coding for Sources with Partially Ordered Probabilities.
International Symposium on Information Theory, 2001. Washington. Proceedings.IEEE , download text in PS format


Ryabko, B. The simple ideal cipher system.
International Symposium on Information Theory, 2000. Proceedings.IEEE , Sorrento, Italy, P.240.

Ryabko, B.; Topsoe, F. On asymptotically optimal methods of prediction and adaptive coding for Markov sources with unknown memory.
International Symposium on Information Theory, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE , Sorrento, Italy, P. 71.

Fedotov, A.; Ryabko, B. The estimate for the cost of a search tree constructed on an arbitrary set of binary words
International Symposium on Information Theory, 2000. Proceedings. IEEE , Sorrento, Italy, ,P. 13.

< 2000

Ryabko, B.; Matchikina, E. Fast and efficient construction of an unbiased random sequences.
Information Theory, Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Symposium,Cambridge, USA, P. 472

Ryabko, B.; Fionov, A. Fast homophonic coding with logarithmic memory size.
Information Theory, Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Symposium. Cambridge, USA P. 52

Ryabko, B.; Topsoe, F. On asymptotically optimal methods of prediction and adaptive coding.
Information Theory, Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Symposium. Cambridge, USA, P. 316.

Ryabko, B.; Reznikova, Zh. Experimental study of ants numerical aptitude based on the ideas of the information theory.
Information Theory. Proceedings., 1997 IEEE International Symposium.Ulme, Germany, P. 136

Ryabko, B.; Fionov, A. Decreasing redundancy of homophonic coding.
Information Theory. Proceedings., 1997 IEEE International Symposium.Ulme, Germany P. 94

Ryabko, B. The imaginary sliding window.
Information Theory. Proceedings., 1997 IEEE International Symposium, Ulme, Germany, P. 63.